Auto Insurance and Teens: What Parents in Tustin, CA Need to Know

If you’re a parent with a teen ready to hit the road, safety is a top priority. Still, another crucial aspect to review is auto insurance. As an established insurance provider, Gambino & Wasson Insurance Brokers, Inc. is here to guide parents in Tustin, CA, about what they need to know when it comes to auto insurance and their teen drivers.

Why Teens Need Auto Insurance

Teen drivers, unfortunately, have some of the highest auto insurance rates due to their lack of experience, leading to a higher risk of incidents. Regardless of the cost, ensuring they are adequately covered minimizes risk and affords peace of mind.

Adding a Teen to Your Policy

Instead of setting up a separate policy for your teen driver, it may be more practical and cost-effective to add your teen to your existing auto insurance policy, but be prepared for the premium to increase.

Discount Opportunities

  • Good Student Discount: Many insurance firms offer discounts for students who maintain strong grades.
  • Safe Driver Program: Some providers lower premiums for teens who complete approved driver education programs.

The Role of the Car in Your Teen’s Auto Insurance

The make and model of your teen’s car will influence the price of insurance. Safer cars often have lower insurance premiums, so factor this in when choosing a car for your teen driver.

An Ongoing Conversation

Discussing the importance of safe driving habits and the financial responsibility of auto insurance can make your teen more conscious of their actions on the road. At Gambino & Wasson Insurance Brokers, Inc., we are committed to providing comprehensive and affordable auto insurance solutions for parents and teen drivers in Tustin, CA. Contact us today for more information.